Monday, August 29, 2011

Addy! [DFW Children's photographer]

I had the pleasure of meeting this adorable crew a while back. What a blessing to meet them. This girl kind of stole my heart with her personality. She is so spunky and sweet & I love that combination. She really was a doll. I don't think either one of us enjoyed parting ways from each other after the session:) Ha.

 The cousin's joined in the fun.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Gorgeous "G" Family [DFW Family photographer]

How adorable is this family? We started early in the morning and prayed that the rain wasn't going to come down on us. This photo shoot was taken some months ago as you all know that we have not had any rain in a couple of months (boo hiss). The weather wasn't the most ideal b/c of the gloomy sky but this family was good sports about it! The kids are just adorable and mom & dad are so so sweet. I'm glad I go to church with this family!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Off to Kindergarten she goes!

Is is possible to be happy & sad at the same time? The last couple of weeks have been both excitement and pure sadness. My little girl is heading off to Kindergarten. I'm excited for her yet my heart is heavy knowing that her baby/toddler years are truly over (sigh). She is growing up. Yes, I know, everyone's kids are growing up but somehow when it's your own children it is personal. This coming Monday will be a mile marker for her (and us). She is about to start down the path to friends, homework, teachers, pep rallies, lockers, and field trips. I pray God's mighty hand over her as she begins her "growing up" journey. *tear & sigh*

© Toni Parvin
CoffeeShop Designs