Friday, September 30, 2011

A tree full of butterflies! [DFW Children's photographer]

Well I'm lucky enough to have a sliver of property tucked away that has ample room for kids to run around and have fun. There is an old white house on it that was built in 1890. The pasteur has an old car sitting on it from the 30's, not to mention the goats, dogs and beautiful trees. It really is beautiful and probably one of my favorite places to take pictures. There is about a 30 minute period everyday that the light is dripping like dew from the heavens. Was that a little dramatic? ha. As many times as I've been at this house I didn't notice until this shoot that the tree we were taking pictures by is full of butterflies. I'm talking hundreds of them. At first I started to throw a fit when bugs were flying around me. Then I noticed that it was butterflies and I relaxed. It's the one bug I allow in my personal space thank you very much. So my son once again didn't feel like rocking the camera. Thanks Olivia for taking up the slack. AND, isn't her personality hilarious? She's so much fun!
Practicing cheerleading:)
 chasing butterflies

beautiful light. sun bokeh:)
 "mom, I'm so over this"

Hope everyone has a blessed weekend. Psalm 91

Monday, September 26, 2011

Burlap, Pumpkins & Ribbons Oh My!

It's about this time every year that I get the itch to decorate for Fall. I went up in my attic and took a look at my decor and had a 'ho hum' moment with my options.  I know it sounds fussy but I was sick of the same old cheesy Hobby Lobby pumpkins that I put out every year. Then just the other night my good friend Mei left me a gorgeous pumpkin on my door step. It was decorated with beautiful ribbon, twigs (I'm sure from her backyard), burlap, & vintage knick knack pieces. It also smelled like Fall. A mix between apples, carmel & cinnamon. It sparked something in me to want to decorate and leads me to this morning's project. Now, this might be a goofy project to you depending on your mad skills with a sewing machine. However, just getting my machine threaded is a major accomplishment for me. Ha.
The other day I went to the Farmer's Market and me & the family picked out pumpkins to decorate. But my table was missing in an effort to not go to the store AGAIN I decided to use up some burlap material that I had laying around and make a table runner. Now, this is totally elementary for sure but I am proud to have made something that I actually like and will use. So here is some pictures of this morning's project. Don't laugh.
So this is my scrap material that I started with. I measured my store bought table runner and went from there.

My little starter machine. I think we were both dreading me getting on this again. 

 I folded the length of the sides in 1" and pressed them.
 I sew'd a straight line. I know...
 Of course, the bobbin goes out again. We get into a fight and I win this time.
 Fold & press the ends in 1"
 you guessed it shut.
 The bobbin & I get in another fight.......he wins. I was going to add ribbon across the bottom for added detail but never could make amends with my bobbin. Maybe next time:)
 And voile' table is pretty.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dubai bound! [DFW Family & Children's photographer]

This was overall a fun shoot. Mom needed some shots of herself b/c she's publishing a Children's book. Her adorable daughter joined in and boy is she photogenic. I don't think she could take a bad photo. My camera loved her. They are an amazing mother/daughter duo. They are moving to Dubai to be with the dad and I wish them the best of luck in the UAE. I look forward to you all coming back to the states and having a complete family picture!

So hard to decide between black & white or Color...

That wraps up a fun session and Miss "J" was able to go watch some much needed Dora! 

Fun Family shoot! [DFW Family & Children's photographer]

I started out wanting pics of my daughter & son. The husband decided to join in the fun and then he thought our HUGE Great Dane needed to be in a few. 298 frames later and 30 ft of my backdrop with claw marks all over it made for some fun pics that I actually will want to print. Too bad I wasn't in any of them. I'm never in anything. It's the curse of being the photographer I guess. I'll have to do this again and set up the good ole' tripod.

It's a battle of the wits. Not sure who will win this one!

© Toni Parvin
CoffeeShop Designs