Friday, September 30, 2011

A tree full of butterflies! [DFW Children's photographer]

Well I'm lucky enough to have a sliver of property tucked away that has ample room for kids to run around and have fun. There is an old white house on it that was built in 1890. The pasteur has an old car sitting on it from the 30's, not to mention the goats, dogs and beautiful trees. It really is beautiful and probably one of my favorite places to take pictures. There is about a 30 minute period everyday that the light is dripping like dew from the heavens. Was that a little dramatic? ha. As many times as I've been at this house I didn't notice until this shoot that the tree we were taking pictures by is full of butterflies. I'm talking hundreds of them. At first I started to throw a fit when bugs were flying around me. Then I noticed that it was butterflies and I relaxed. It's the one bug I allow in my personal space thank you very much. So my son once again didn't feel like rocking the camera. Thanks Olivia for taking up the slack. AND, isn't her personality hilarious? She's so much fun!
Practicing cheerleading:)
 chasing butterflies

beautiful light. sun bokeh:)
 "mom, I'm so over this"

Hope everyone has a blessed weekend. Psalm 91


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